Nurturing My Nest Blog

Routines and Rhythms of Homemaking
Intentional Homebuilding & Custom Built Education
 Based in Tennessee. Available for travel.

Tips for Food Management

Kitchen Management, Bulk Cooking and Grocery Shopping

All of us are eager to eat every day. As we navigate through the phases of relating to food in our home, we must fetch our food, process our food, organize our food, clean food related spaces and do it all over again. All this takes practice, skill and strategy. If you were like me, you might have spent a great deal of time beside your mother or grandmother in the kitchen when you were growing up.

My parents were church planters, so that meant we were weekly responsible for food related events. It might be the Sunday morning spread, a ladies event, a week of camp kitchen, men’s breakfast or preparing for visitors for Sunday lunch in our home. Food was a consistent need.

As an adult I have organized and run the kitchens behind church camps, three day events feeding 800+ people, weddings, funeral receptions, conferences, Christmas and birthday parties and more. Clearly, I enjoy working with food and the hospitality that surrounds it. Perhaps your experience was different. Maybe you were never involved in activities that required you to put food on the table. Maybe your mom never asked you to help with food preparation. Maybe your family ate most of their meals out or from prepared food that required a microwave. Since one of the biggest sources of daily stress in the home is what food to prepare for each meal, tackle the questions of what you need to buy, how you will organize your food storage areas, what meals will be needed immediately and long term along with how to keep your food related spaces easily clean. Lean into efficiency that saves time and money.

Regardless of you past history with food, a home full of homemade goodness is possible.

As a Christ follower, I find inspiration for homemaking in numerous locations in the scripture. One of my favorite encouragements is to be a woman who “looks well to the ways of her household.” (Proverbs 31:26) My heart is to limit chaos and stress by creating routines and rhythms in my homemaking patterns. Everything food constitutes a significant portion of my daily time whether I am preparing just for myself, my husband, my children or others.

All of this content and much more is available in Hum of the Home: Routines and Rhythms of Homemaking available on Amazon.

This content invites creative, efficient routines in these areas:

As I mentioned earlier, a house full of homemade goodness is possible. Developing routines and rhythms with food in your home daily, weekly and seasonally leads to a hum or a flow. Once comfortable with the maintenance of your home and kitchen, hospitality and generosity becomes a natural outpouring.

All of this content and much more is available in Hum of the Home: Routines and Rhythms of Homemaking available on Amazon. This material is perfect for personal reading, a small gathering of women, weekly gatherings, a women’s event or weekend. If you would like a guide through this exciting content, contact me at or on the contact form on this blog.

Here’s to hearing a hum in your home.

Join a conversation on this topic at Embrace Your Everyday podcast.

Books on HOME and FAMILY on Amazon:

Hum of the Home: Routines and Rhythms of Homemaking

Nurturing My Nest: Intentional Homebuilding and Custom Built Education

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