How can you fall into more cozy? Can you be too cozy?

Since it is fall by all indications here, it might be the right time to lean into what is spectacular about this season…coziness. As the late warm summer teases with cool, crisp temperatures, the glories of the promised transition to fall bring anticipation for many of our favorite things.

If we explore the best of all with our senses, it becomes palatable as it immerses us. Let’s think about how we can have more cozy with all of our senses. As we unpack each sense, consider where you can add more to what you are already doing with fall.

Fall into More Coziness



Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving with your family or not, this season invites room for an additional gathering fondly called Friendsgiving. While the name of this get-together might be relatively new, the idea of gathering with friends over a meal is thankfully not. To orchestrate your own Friendsgiving this year, just follow these seven simple steps.

Friendsgiving in 7 Easy Steps




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