As I step into a new season, I wanted to review some of the things that I have learned. This past year has been so full of learning. Perhaps you feel the same way. As I re-organize my schedule for the new season, I am reminded to pause and hold fast to the things that I have already learned. In all transparency I recently compiled a list of these simple, but important things I want to hold tight. Someone requested that I share them. What would you add? What other things have you learned so far? I would love to hear some of your list.
- Smile.
- Choose Joy. (Perspective can always adopt GRATITUDE, and gratitude is what always parents JOY.- Voscamp)
- Go outside.
- Look up. See the sky. Enjoy the clouds, the stars and the variety of weather. Thank God for those daily simple gifts.
- Take walks.
- Wonder and let yourself wander. Take that road you have never taken. Really. Make the turn.
- Breath deeply.
- Say “I love you” out loud and often
- Give long meaningful hugs…the kind you want to receive.
- Be the last to let go when you hug.
- Keep a good book with you at all times. If you need an idea for a new book, ask. (I have a few books…a few hundred.)
- Being a Christ Follower every day is the most significant choice I ever made.
- Try something scary. Practice courage. Trust your gut.
- Buy soft and comfy things.
- Be kind to yourself.
- How yoga eliminated my plantar fasciitis and back pain.
- Wear only comfortable shoes. There is nothing like uncomfortable shoes to thoroughly ruin your day.
- Listen, really listen.
- Practice sincerity.
- Look for opportunities in everyday to be kind.
- Check your credit score. Keep a good one. It matters.
- Pay your bills on time. (This relates to #21.)
- Show up 15 minutes early. If you are early you are on time. If you are on time, you are late. (You will have less opportunities if you struggle to be on time. Being on time means you are reliable.)
- Practice saying YES!!
- Practice saying NO!! Plan your life.
- Maintain your vehicle: Change the oil. Rotate your tires. (This is adulting 101.)
- Empty the trash out of your car whenever you fill your tank with gas.
- If you are married to your sweetheart, make sure you kiss him/her well everyday.
- Always say goodbye like it is the last time you will see those you love.
- Live without regrets.
- Choose your friends carefully.
- Don’t play with cheaters and liars.
- Hang out with people you would like to be. Your friends are a mirror of who you really are.
- If you find yourself caught in the rain, just stop. Splash in the puddles and dance!! Just live.
- Eat the cake.
- Go on an adventure. Often.
- Do your work first. It makes play so much better.
- Tell the truth.
- Personal integrity is wealth.
- Keep a close eye of your finances.
- Tell your money where it should go or it will just go.
- Take responsibility for your actions. Act responsibly.
- Show respect to others…especially those who are older.
- Count to five (or 1000) before you respond when you are angry. You can’t take words back, not really.
- Take a long bath as often as possible.
- Just shave!! It makes for a better day.
- Prioritize sleep.
- Be teachable. Lean into constructive criticism from those who love you. Ask for honest input.
- Show up at weddings. Show up at funerals. Just show up. Be present.
- Finish what you start. Completion is satisfying. It’s hard, but worth it.
- Take meals to those who need you. Mow their grass. Practice practical kindness.
- Give. Give again.
- Volunteer. Give back.
- Return phone calls, emails and texts. Don’t fail to be polite.
- Go to church. Find one that loves the Word of God more than anything.
- Find a healthy community.
- Be the friend you want to have. Keep your friends close. Always do more for them than they do for you.
- Go out of your way to call and visit friends…both new friends and old friends. Be a friend.
- Do the most important things everyday… Read your Bible. Pray.
- Embrace every day. Remember that how you live your days is how you live your life.
I have so much to learn!
I am guessing you feel the same way.
As each season transitions, consider taking time to contemplate, to marinate, to absorb all that your life is teaching you. As for the hard lessons, I would prefer to only learn those once. How about you? If I experience a difficulty, but fail to pause and assimilate the acquired knowledge, I might need to repeat the hardship. Instead, I choose a pattern of rumination.
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