One of the most difficult things in raising a child is training them to be an independent adult. Establish goals that will create autonomy as they mature. Invest time necessary to train your child to do all domestic jobs they will need to succeed as an adult. Your confidence that they can complete the job will eventually lead to a job completed correctly.
Are you feeling crowded in your space?
Do you have to move?
Has stuff been coming into your house while stuff is not going out?
It might be time to ruthlessly purge.
Although we are deep in the cold of winter, many are thinking about purging. Some have already started. Here are some ideas on HOW and WHAT to purge. Whether you are taking a day to clean out an area or you are working through your home methodically, these ideas work.
While preparing intentionally for your preschooler seems like an option in for the summer or school year, it should rank high in importance. Why? First, you don’t want to waste these ripe learning years. Secondly, if the little ones don’t have a plan to keep them busy, they will keep you from accomplishing your goals with the older children. Preschoolers are naturally curious. They love to play. Use this curiosity to play purposeful.
Speaking as a parent of a strong-willed child (SWC), I can communicate as one who has been in the trenches. The wonderful part of this is that I can fully confirm that this type of child is likely intelligent and full of potential. While parenting this personality can be altogether demanding, frustrating and intensely maddening…it also gives you the front row seat to a highly driven, strong individual. Consider your words and actions carefully. This blog offers hope and encouragement that this child’s potential is even greater that you might imagine. From identifying the triggers of strong willed children to some practical solutions and real examples of changing fighting words to thinking words. It is all about relationship.
Need MORE time? Looking for ideas to boost efficiency in your daily routines? Scrutinizing your everyday with the goal of more play time and more learning time created by less housework? Contemplating a new scheme for less energy extended toward house maintenance? Consider a few of these ideas to improve your management of home and time.
When functioning as a domestic engineer for a family of seven, research, charts and new ideas are a must for success. Recently, a plan to combine the on-going need for cleaning and cooking, led me to this formula. Look for the FREE downloads like a list of daily morning contributions, kitchen duties and weekly jobs.
Creating memories and legacy with our photos and videos is one of the most important, yet daunting tasks. Just beginning may seen so overwhelming that paralysis sets in permanently. Creating a photo book is not as hard as it seems. Whether you are creating a photo board book for your granddaughter like I did for Christmas or compiling a lifetime of pictures and stories for your parents like I have done recently, these 10 steps listed below still apply.
Suicide in very young children continues to rise in alarming rates. From January through September 2021, children’s hospital cases related to self injury, suicide ideation and attempts in kids ages 5 to 17 rose 53 percent from the same period in 2020. What is happening and what are we doing wrong?
As a parent, you likely observe your child’s strengths and weaknesses in academics as well as other situations such as church and social opportunities. Our strongest qualities are often partnered with our greatest weaknesses. Establishing a pattern of intentional evaluation and planning creates a customized plan for developing the best in your child.