All I have to say is that you must try this recipe!! It is seriously so yummy!! Bring this to any occasion or create it for a near neighbor, your favorite aunt or just an ordinary day for work! Expect to make it again soon!! Leah’s Cranberry Orange Bread Pudding 4 eggs 1 3/4 cup […]
What is gratitude? Does gratitude come naturally?How can more gratitude change my life? What is affirming? Does affirming come naturally?How can affirming naturally grow gratitude? The big idea is that gratitude toward others leads to affirming them which is followed by positive emotions for all. Increased social skills and an expansion in your community add […]
Since I was a young woman, I have worked with children. As I dearly love these young hearts, I am particularly attuned to the anger seen in so many of them. Sometimes the anger comes from a wounded place or a response to bullying. Other times it is the result of neglect or a head injury. This blog explores practical helps for the prevention and cure of anger in children. Yes, there is prevention. Yes there are cures. Yes, more than just identifying the problem, there is help.
I am really just a simple girl blessed beyond words. As a mother of five beautiful children, a grateful wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a teacher and a follower of Jesus Christ… I stand humbled. This book is about my journey through parenting intentionally while navigating through the challenges of raising five very unique children. This book is full of practical tips and inspiration.
Whether you are just beginning your homeschool journey or are somewhere down the road, the cost of homeschooling is not a small concern. Discover new ways to eliminate costs in one or more of these ten ways to save money on homeschooling.
When your space is organized, your determined routine flows smoothly. Since homeschooling is hard every day, why not make it easier by creating improved function that fits you and your kids. Use these 10 ideas to generate more pleasant, streamlined days.
One of the best things we can teach our children is the joy of giving. The past two Decembers several of our children served Christmas dinner to some local World War II veterans. The students listened to their inspiring stories and gifted them with thank you notes. What a privilege that our children could be exposed to these men who bravely served our country.
Changing schools at any time causes a redirection of the family lifestyle. Some parents select homeschooling because they are running from something. A teacher who does not understand a student’s learning style may discourage his student. The school environment may not be strict enough to force the child’s behavior into compliance. Bullies may be threatening their student, creating a fearful setting that prevents any cognitive progress. Others choose homeschooling because they cannot imagine their child spending all day away from them. They enjoy the joys and challenges of parenting. Some desire a private-school education for their child but cannot afford it. Homeschooling seems a viable route to reach this level of education. Still others dream of what their entire child could be if they custom design her education and skill-building development. Begin by answering the “why.”
As I mature, pursuit of a calm and a peaceful spirit transforms me. Remembering that “the days are long, but the years are short”, definitely applies to homeschooling. Before me sits a child who God gave me to nurture into a Godly man or woman. Childhood is the bridge between these points. Every day behind impresses the years ahead. Here are 10 ideas to create cheerful, thriving and encouraging homeschool days.