It is critical to assess your personal health on multiple levels to ensure that you are a healthy, whole person. Several times a year it is clarifying to take inventory of yourself in the areas of physical health, mental health, relational, emotional and spiritual health. Examine yourself as a whole person to see progress along […]
If the weather is making your feel like refreshing your space, clear the clutter first. So often unnecessary items are crowding our living areas. When doing daily, weekly or seasonal cleaning it is best to begin by identifying trash. Identify things you do not use, things you don’t love and broken items and just trash. […]
Do you love putting up your Christmas tree? Do you have a rhythm that works well for you? Would you like to know what the professionals know? Early in my working life I worked as an interior decorator beside a decorator who put up Christmas decorations. Along the way, I picked up a few tips […]
What is gratitude? Does gratitude come naturally?How can more gratitude change my life? What is affirming? Does affirming come naturally?How can affirming naturally grow gratitude? The big idea is that gratitude toward others leads to affirming them which is followed by positive emotions for all. Increased social skills and an expansion in your community add […]
How can you fall into more cozy? Can you be too cozy?
Since it is fall by all indications here, it might be the right time to lean into what is spectacular about this season…coziness. As the late warm summer teases with cool, crisp temperatures, the glories of the promised transition to fall bring anticipation for many of our favorite things.
If we explore the best of all with our senses, it becomes palatable as it immerses us. Let’s think about how we can have more cozy with all of our senses. As we unpack each sense, consider where you can add more to what you are already doing with fall.
“I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find ’till after death, I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to that country and to help others to do the same.” – […]
“Most of us find it very difficult to want “Heaven” at all – except in so far as “Heaven” means meeting again our friends who have died. One reason for this difficulty is that we have not been trained : our whole education tends to fix our minds on this world. Another reason is that […]
Thank you to YOU, our listener, for joining us in this journey of 150 podcasts with companion blogs! This pause invites us to explore Tim’s favorite 5 episodes and Leah’s favorite 5 episodes followed by YOUR favorites!! What is your personal favorite?
Recently, a friend shared this encouragement on communication that focused around the qualities of a person instead of their outer appearance. (Thank you, Kathleen Coss!) This is so important when practicing social skills, emotional intelligence and friendship development. Consider memorizing a few of the following compliments. Or use these as prompts to create authentic, winning compliments that demonstrate that the receiver is seen and known. Check out these 15 compliments that are not about physical appearance: