“I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find ’till after death, I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to that country and to help others to do the same.” – […]
“Most of us find it very difficult to want “Heaven” at all – except in so far as “Heaven” means meeting again our friends who have died. One reason for this difficulty is that we have not been trained : our whole education tends to fix our minds on this world. Another reason is that […]
Recently, a friend shared this encouragement on communication that focused around the qualities of a person instead of their outer appearance. (Thank you, Kathleen Coss!) This is so important when practicing social skills, emotional intelligence and friendship development. Consider memorizing a few of the following compliments. Or use these as prompts to create authentic, winning compliments that demonstrate that the receiver is seen and known. Check out these 15 compliments that are not about physical appearance:
While preparing intentionally for your preschooler seems like an option in for the summer or school year, it should rank high in importance. Why? First, you don’t want to waste these ripe learning years. Secondly, if the little ones don’t have a plan to keep them busy, they will keep you from accomplishing your goals with the older children. Preschoolers are naturally curious. They love to play. Use this curiosity to play purposeful.
Speaking as a parent of a strong-willed child (SWC), I can communicate as one who has been in the trenches. The wonderful part of this is that I can fully confirm that this type of child is likely intelligent and full of potential. While parenting this personality can be altogether demanding, frustrating and intensely maddening…it also gives you the front row seat to a highly driven, strong individual. Consider your words and actions carefully. This blog offers hope and encouragement that this child’s potential is even greater that you might imagine. From identifying the triggers of strong willed children to some practical solutions and real examples of changing fighting words to thinking words. It is all about relationship.
My hope is that you have a wonderful relationship with your parents. You are visiting them as frequently as you wish your children will visit you when they are grown. When you do go to your parent’s home for a visit, remember these easy ideas and make your visit one of the best ones ever!
As spring cleaning begins, think through whether your parents are storing your things or whether you are storing unnecessary things for your own children. Dig deep, literally and dig out.
Since I was a young woman, I have worked with children. As I dearly love these young hearts, I am particularly attuned to the anger seen in so many of them. Sometimes the anger comes from a wounded place or a response to bullying. Other times it is the result of neglect or a head injury. This blog explores practical helps for the prevention and cure of anger in children. Yes, there is prevention. Yes there are cures. Yes, more than just identifying the problem, there is help.
Anger in a child is a real response. While God holds each of us, even a child, responsible for his or her sin, God does hold parents 100% responsible for the sins which provoked him to that anger. Check out 25 ways that parents provoke their children to anger. Loving my children well means that communication on this topic must remain open to self examination on this topic as well as others.
For the last few years the topic of a loneliness epidemic has dominated much of chatter in interpersonal news. This conversation has focused on healthy friendships. In life, we often have to walk through the exploration of meeting a number of acquaintances in order to find true friendships. This growth mindset might even lead us to look inward and develop the qualities of a healthy friendship in ourselves.
Emotional health is vital to our physical and spiritual health. Taking inventory of our whole person is critical to moving through each day with our optimal potential. When thinking about embracing my everyday, it is especially important to recognize any toxic thinking patterns that might sabotage any capacity for growth. Latency or underdevelopment may hamper what I could be or eliminate future success. If shame is a reoccurring theme in my thoughts, it might be identified as a bully. Let’s explore shame in contrast to guilt along with the healthy pathway to eradicate this type of toxic thinking.
Being a parent is just hard work. The stages of childhood change rapidly. Approaching the subject of dating with your child can be downright intimidating. Before you begin, know that dating is radically different from how it was when you were a teenager and young adult. Sexual promiscuity is rampant. Sexual identity, date rape, binge drinking, emotional cheating, sexting and a host of new and more shocking behavior is the normal for today’s teens. Becoming more acquainted with today’s culture is a necessary, on-going job of today’s parents.
As a mom of two beautiful daughters, the topic of beauty materializes often. This article is intended to encourage the validation of the beauty in your daughter and mine. It is imperative that we speak intentionally to the dehumanizing of our daughters by the culture. What are the messages they hear which define beauty?
As a former rough water lifeguard and eager health enthusiast, I completely support physical exercise being part of growing a whole child. However, I struggle with the emphasis on sports in today’s youth culture. Every kid walks away from their chosen sport someday…….then what? Many coaches and parents fail to identify the lifetime value of sports because they falsely assume they are training the next state champs. So when the lights go out, when the cheering stops, when it is time to “leave it on the field”…. what do we have when the game is over?
Due to the financial strain families feel in the current economy, discussions about food costs occur more frequently than ever. Many rising costs offer us little options for keeping our funds in-line with earnings. However, food is one of those more flexible categories. Discover easy-to-implement ideas on how to save money without scissors.
Need MORE time? Looking for ideas to boost efficiency in your daily routines? Scrutinizing your everyday with the goal of more play time and more learning time created by less housework? Contemplating a new scheme for less energy extended toward house maintenance? Consider a few of these ideas to improve your management of home and time.
Some of us love the process of cleaning just as much as we enjoy the results. Others struggle with the patterns necessary to maintain their living space daily, weekly and seasonally. In order to live this life well, we must create a plan to maintain our space. Let’s be honest, maintaining a home is hard work. Grab some of these ideas to successfully clean as a couple.
I am really just a simple girl blessed beyond words. As a mother of five beautiful children, a grateful wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a teacher and a follower of Jesus Christ… I stand humbled. This book is about my journey through parenting intentionally while navigating through the challenges of raising five very unique children. This book is full of practical tips and inspiration.
Who will be influenced by my life? Who will be influenced by your life? Who will be influenced by those you influence? Consider the roles that you play. Are you living as a strong influence in these roles? What might be preventing you from having the influence you desire? Woundedness? Fear? Insecurity? Habits? Selfishness? Jealousy? Need for apologies? Need for forgiveness? Explore the ways you might intentionally lean into your roles with influence!! Our conversation offers five ways to strengthen your influence.
Women are inundated by lies about God, about ourselves, our marriage and about children.What are some of these lies? What are the truths needed to combat these lies?My beliefs represent my worldview. It is critical that I renew my mind with the truths that God reveals in His Word. Initially, that means that I must know God’s Word. Continually, I must identify toxic thinking and pursue healthy, truthful thinking. Regularly, I must celebrate with a grateful spirit. It is the every day habits that make up my life.
Because I know God as my Father, I am confident of who I am in Him. His fondness for me is unfathomable, reliable and true. On any day when the vortex of the world threatens to vomit fear, despondency and panic, I still. Grabbing a front row seat somewhere near nature allows me to breath deeply and remember my identity as a deeply loved child of God.
The audible Word of God is available for you and for me anytime we desire to hear it. Truthfully, I read my Bible out loud even when I am with myself so that I can use more of my senses to fully take in His truths. So often when I read, I am overwhelmed by God’s love for me as well as His power as Creator of this physical world that I live in daily. Our Father God designed me and you for relationship with Him. The great void in our spirit when we are not intimately connected to Him is satisfied when we hear the audible Word of God.
Recently when I thought of the renewing season of the beginning of the year, it seemed appropriate to consider it a time of sweet intentions. Considering the areas of physical, spiritual and relational health are just three areas to reset. Live the life you dream.
How much of life is lived in the shallows? Suddenly, life becomes deep as a tragedy, a death or even a birth sharpen our awareness. When my interests only go as deep as myself, I am shallow. A deep soul empathizes and sees others. A deep soul lives in awareness of who others are in God’s image. A deep soul exists in an everyday sense of eternity and God’s presence in all things. Remember, the stream is your soul and you are the keeper.
As an enthusiastic gift giver, I have recently reevaluated my gift giving patterns. Gift giving should not be a burden. Push back from this response. Buying gifts should be an expression of friendship and love. This year has encouraged some radical rethinking of gift giving.
Nobody is immune to the virus of stress. All of us are vulnerable to the bacteria of stress. We all have to deal with three things that just come with life and they all cause stress. The boundaries between work and leisure, public and private, are dissolving so that we have no rest and we are forced to be time jugglers and multi-taskers. We’re all rats in the rat race. We’re all overwhelmed by all we have to do and we struggle with priorities to remember and agendas to keep under control.” Check out these ideas to get the stress out when you are stressed out!
Take charge of this Christmas by planning to enjoy it thoroughly. This Christmas checklist offers ideas for more choices encouraging you to create Christmas intentionally for your family. Consider this checklist to create new memories for your family.
While traditions certainly hold value, they can also involve stress. Holding too tightly to unreachable expectations can evaporate all of the joy out of the holidays. Letting go of expectations can eliminate stress and create room for happy memories.
Perhaps the most important quality to success is grit. Grit is a strong determination to finishing. Grit is an unyielding courage to face hard things, danger or impossible odds. Grit is the stamina to complete a longer than anticipated project, goal or task. Grit is knowing the end game matters. Grit is seeing the finish line and lunging forward no matter the obstacles. Check out these 5 characteristics of grittiness.
Perhaps you have been thinking about making new friends? Perhaps you need to find better, healthy friends? Perhaps you need to be a better friend? Friendship with family and others is one of the most meaningful ways to spend your life. Vulnerability, honesty and loyalty are all features of a quality friend. Success in friend-making is partially determined by your discretion in knowing what NOT to do when making friends.
Friendship has always been super important to me. I believe that the relationships that we have with our family and friends are really our legacy. The experiences and life energy of friendship with family and others are really our most important treasures. When evaluating what is important in our lives, I don’t think many things are more meaningful than the investment we make in the people in our lives.
One of the easiest and most productive habits a mom or dad can cultivate for noticeable success is implementing car school. Whether you home school or choose to do school in a traditional way, you likely realize how difficult it is for your child to sit still to memorize, read or listen. Because I have succeeded wildly with this idea over my twenty plus years of parenting, I vouch for it enthusiastically!!
Keeping a clean home is hard work, but it is not impossible. Over the years as the oldest of four siblings and mother of five kids, I have collected some ideas about efficiency. In college I cleaned houses for my college money. One of the secrets is to keeping a clean home is to contemplate what needs to be done weekly and placing it on a workable schedule. Being consistent and thorough will really promote a happy result. In response to numerous requests on how I keep my home weekly, here are my best thoughts:
Your morning habits set the tone for the day ahead. Establishing a morning routine can propel you to a successful, productive day. Unfortunately, many people allow unhealthy habits to wreck their potential for the best outcome. Read about 10 harmful habits that could sidetrack you from having your best day.
From the time I was a little girl, I would pray out loud and talk to God. Then I would listen. I would listen all day everyday. It was like an ongoing conversation. It can be words or music. Because my mother and father loved God and spent time nurturing our spiritual formation, I had a firm confidence in God’s love for me and his desire to communicate with me.
So, what is a 10 minute face? What other kind of faces are there? What can you actually do to your face in 10 minutes? What is this important to “embrace” most “everyday”?
Fatherhood on earth actually comes from the fatherhood of God. From the very beginning Christ is the perfect father. He created fatherhood on earth as an introduction to who he is.
Rest is an important part of living an intentional life. While I am “intentional” about work, I am equally “intentional” about play. Currently, I am working at being better at rest. Are you ready for more rest?
Even after 35 years of marriage, I feel that Tim and I are still working to make this friendship, our marriage, even better. Although we have been together for a long time, we are still learning and growing on this journey. While we are not perfect, I do think we are happy. Here are five things that we know about marriage:
Whether you are just beginning your homeschool journey or are somewhere down the road, the cost of homeschooling is not a small concern. Discover new ways to eliminate costs in one or more of these ten ways to save money on homeschooling.
If you are considering homeschooling, here are eight thoughts on where to begin evaluating. A conscientious effort toward doable goals enhanced by some dreaming works beautifully.
Being a mom is hard work every day. To be entrusted with the life, health takes commitment and prayer. A mother’s investment insists on time and energy covered with prayer and hope. If you are a mom look beyond the daily busyness. Affirm the immeasurable influence a mom possesses over her child. Any mom willing to dedicate the time and work required to motherhood deserves a standing ovation
When functioning as a domestic engineer for a family of seven, research, charts and new ideas are a must for success. Recently, a plan to combine the on-going need for cleaning and cooking, led me to this formula. Look for the FREE downloads like a list of daily morning contributions, kitchen duties and weekly jobs.
Coming into the summer months or the Christmas break or even just a regular weekend, prioritize some free time to indulge in literature rich material for your child.
One of the most important concepts to living in an orderly home is to consider the space that is available to you and plan you use that space. If it is too crowded, consider purging. Reclaim your living space. Live in the space you own.
God has given you and me prayer as a means of supernatural power. Prayer is engaging in conversation with God not robotic rhetoric. Prayer is not words repeated out of obligation or tradition.If you are new to being a Christ follower or like me, you are eager to grow in your prayer life, here are seven simple ideas to a supernatural prayer life.
Long before dawn on Easter morning, about 100 believers gathered on the Coconut Island with eager hearts. Many new worshippers of Christ anticipated this day. Easter Sunrise service in Hawaii was an annual celebration with baptisms, a distinctly local breakfast and an Easter service.
This April Tim and I will be celebrating 35 years of marriage. While this number seems overwhelming, we strongly believe that we are better versions of ourselves in this season than we were in the beginning. This conversation invited Tim to share his favorite five secrets along with my five secrets. Marriage is hard work! As we enthusiastically embrace this new season, we don’t take it for granted. None of us are promised tomorrow. Forever is not a thing. Today is a gift.
Many believe that emotional intelligence (EI) is much more important to success in life than a high IQ. Intuitiveness is a natural gift for some, but it can also be learned and practiced. Check out the signs of EI along with the value of EI. Explore ways to use EI and key action steps to increase your EI.
Creating memories and legacy with our photos and videos is one of the most important, yet daunting tasks. Just beginning may seen so overwhelming that paralysis sets in permanently. Creating a photo book is not as hard as it seems. Whether you are creating a photo board book for your granddaughter like I did for Christmas or compiling a lifetime of pictures and stories for your parents like I have done recently, these 10 steps listed below still apply.
Neighboring is not a new concept. Some might call this hospitality, friendliness or welcoming. Neighboring really is not simple, but it is easy. It is an intentional mindset of togetherness, of congeniality, of amicability, of peacefulness and just warmth. It is really touching others physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Raising a child well requires consistent thinking, planning and intentional actualization. Ideation of purposeful values succeeds with consistency, diligence and established routines. Part of the practical application of Biblical literacy in the home involves teaching children to serve. Here are 10 easy ideas for teaching a child to serve.
Radical monogamy is a concept that is electrifying the world of relationship choices. When I first read about this idea, I smiled. I wondered if this was supposed to be funny. What could be radical about monogamy? Wasn’t this the same as another idea that started with “m” – marriage? So, I asked the obvious question, “What does radical monogamy mean? What is radical about monogamy?”
Moms with new babies need extra love and care. No matter your age, you likely know someone who has a new baby. Being prepared to show practical kindness to a new mom is seriously so important. Here are 10 things new moms need.
Choosing your best life means evaluating all parts of yourself on a regular basis so that you can make necessary changes and improvements. Desire to grow so you will use the briefness of this life wisely. Embrace simplicity. Embrace order. Embrace living.
Living intentionally really means living deliberately, with design or planning, or being voluntarily willed. Investing in the long game invites intentional living that focuses on eternal values. Are you investing in the long game?
One of the most difficult things in raising a child is training them to be an independent adult. Establish goals that will create autonomy as they mature. Invest time necessary to train your child to do all domestic jobs they will need to succeed as an adult. Your confidence that they can complete the job will eventually lead to a job completed correctly.
Whether you are a first time hostess or a seasoned one, nothing smells more like Christmas than this festive concoction. This heavenly scent wanders into the farthest rooms in my home. Start a new tradition with this recipe.
What do you want to remember about this Christmas? What do you want your family to remember about this Christmas? What do others feel when they have been with you? Is your presence life-giving? Are your words full of hope and encouragement? At the end of the day do you feel exhaustion mixed with gratitude? Are your days full, but empty? What do you want more of? Here are some thoughts for more presence that presents this Christmas.
Part of focusing on being present is contemplating what I LOVE about CHRISTmas! Don’t get sucked into the hurry. Slow down. Be present. Presence is the best present we can give to the person in front of me. Part of focusing on being present is contemplating what I LOVE about CHRISTmas! Once I identify what I love, I can DO more of that.
This easy berry pie recipe can be made with strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and peach slices. Don’t forget the homemade vanilla ice cream.
What could be more fun than intentionally planning time with family and friends. With the weather is turning cool and the need for some of your cozy clothes, use this inspiration of 10 ideas to create more space for for friendship.
Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving with your family or not, this season invites room for an additional gathering fondly called Friendsgiving. While the name of this get-together might be relatively new, the idea of gathering with friends over a meal is thankfully not. To orchestrate your own Friendsgiving this year, just follow these seven simple steps.
Fresh, warm, fragrant bread fresh out of the oven is one of life’s simple pleasures. Whether you are a seasoned baker or just starting out, you will love this easy recipe!
Searching for a lifetime partner or teammate is extremely complicated. Since Tim and I have been married for over 30 years, we have some tips that might help in the search. The second most important decision in your life is choosing a spouse. Check out these 10 valuable considerations!
As a parent we have the opportunity to intentionally gather songs for our child’s childhood. Instead of just letting the music just happen, let me invite you to consider what music your child needs!! Share meaningful spiritual music that will last a lifetime!
The walls of our homes are clear indicators of the people who live inside. What do your walls say? What would someone who walked around your home without you know about you? What would they know about your impressions about God? If your walls could talk, what would we hear?
God is not going to ask me if I was successful in raising Godly children, but He will determine if I was faithful. This impactful opportunity was given to the parent of the child. As you plant seeds daily in your child’s spiritual formation, he will grow continually. Intentionality and consistency are the keys. Here are some easy ideas that anyone can do to grow a child spiritually.
As conscientious parents we eagerly work to give our kids the skills they need to be a success in life. One of the most important abilities we all desire for our child is the ability to communicate effectively. This requires thinking, speaking and writing prowess. With a few intentional moves, your child can be a phenomenal writer. A well trained child who is raised to write moves confidently toward his future. Here are few thoughts about bringing your student along from the beginning so that you RAISE a WRITER.
One of the most important jobs of parenting is teaching your child social skills. An often ignored skill is teaching a child how to interrupt politely. Whether you have been cut off mid-sentence or just completely shut down, you might remember a time that a child has abruptly interrupted the flow of conversation. Teach your child how to interrupt and master this social skill.
Savor the idea of generosity toward others. Recall times when you have been met with a warm welcome. Be that for those God places in your path. Conversation builds friendships. Camaraderie solidifies trust. Commonness reinforces strength.
Decision fatigue is a real sensation. Exhaustion in making decisions simply means that the more decisions we make, the more challenged we are making our next decision. For me, my decision making power is stronger earlier in the day. As humans we do have a finite limit to our daily willpower and our energy to evaluate choices and solidify a selection. Often the clutter in our environments is a direct result of decision fatigue
Have you ever calculated the number of hours you spend in your car? If you have children, you might be transporting them back and forth to school daily. When your vehicle is full of little people, the daily car time can lead to trash spilling out as the car doors open or fights over who will sit where. Whether you function as a couple, a single mom, a small family, a large family, a grandparent or just by yourself most of the time, the following ideas might create more pleasant travel time.
In simplest terms, to rest is to cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength. To rest is to be restored, renewed, refreshed and in recovery. Practice these five ways to add more rest to your days. FREE “101 Ways to Experience More Rest.”
In response to an overwhelming enthusiasm for this decadent four layer cake, I agreed to share it with eager lemon fans. This is so easy! Bake it for your next celebration or create a party when you bake it for your family and friends.
One of the most extraordinary things about my life has been knowing who I am in God’s eyes. This truth continues to reveal itself in the most unusually beautiful ways. It is the simple, yet life-transforming reality of who I am in God’s eyes that immediately equates worth, dignity and immense joy!!
If you have children, they need to be part of the daily and weekly responsibilities of cleaning and maintaining the space they live in with their family. Implement this method to expect quality work and inspect a finished job. It is only fair that everyone who lives in a space contributes to the maintenance of the living area. Keep in mind that if your child does not learn to clean, cook and organize when they are growing up, what makes you think that they will know what to do when they become an adult? Many young adults are completely unprepared for adulting. Don’t let your kids be unqualified for independent living. Create a cleaning routine with teamwork!
Bulk cooking simplifies the weekly responsibility of food preparation and clean up that is needed in all of our homes. Bulk cooking gives you power to be generous spontaneously. In addition to practical needs being recognized and resolved, you will be filled with the joy bursting from magnanimous action! Remember, people that are fed feel loved!!
What is blooming outside your window? What is blooming inside your home? Any parent who loves the Lord personally should consider how to communicate spiritually with their child. Are your child’s spiritual roots growing deep? Are they planted a river of Biblical truth? Are they blooming from seeds planted by an intentional parent or mentor?
Lean into the ideas of a one of our favorite singles, Paul Becker, as he shares how he lives intentionally as a single. Living each day with purpose offers contentment and preparation for a potential family. Engaging with community and pursuing life as a Christ-follower brings a lifestyle of thriving today!
Suicide in very young children continues to rise in alarming rates. From January through September 2021, children’s hospital cases related to self injury, suicide ideation and attempts in kids ages 5 to 17 rose 53 percent from the same period in 2020. What is happening and what are we doing wrong?
As a parent, you likely observe your child’s strengths and weaknesses in academics as well as other situations such as church and social opportunities. Our strongest qualities are often partnered with our greatest weaknesses. Establishing a pattern of intentional evaluation and planning creates a customized plan for developing the best in your child.
In responding to this epidemic of loneliness, the most consistent response we can have is to communicate “I see you” with our actions and our words.
Many of my younger friends are either doing college, graduate school, military, bouncing into new careers and simply living on their own. Food continues to be a significant part of their budget. Some see their food costs rising monthly. Regardless of the motivation, many are giving their weekly food situation a hard look. I think you can eat better food, spend less money and time in the kitchen and just enjoy an overall more relaxed lifestyle by applying some of meal planning ideas.
While most dorm spaces are hardly large enough for two people to move around in simultaneously, local retailers suggest differently by the sizable “must buy” dorm lists. In truth, many moms….especially first time moms, react as if they are nesting again comparable to the days before they anticipated the arrival of their first baby. They overbuy and over plan. Check out this packing list which is divided into needs and wants.
It is easy to be a Christian on Sunday morning, but the reality of faith must have a practical everyday value that each day real life. Early Christians operated from the margins. Nothing is really different today. If we are truly modeling Christ-likeness, we are really in contrast to the culture. Our saltiness offers a pathway to eternal life with our Father God. The invitation is to live in kindness and community with those who are lost in this maze of one dimensional reality of the earthly world.
Home is God’s idea. Family is God’s idea. No matter the size of your home or family, living in your space necessitates daily and weekly cleaning. When routines are established, the rhythm of life creates more time for enjoying living in your home.
Laundry seems to be a burden to so many. Several moms have asked how our family does laundry. Perhaps the size of our family leads to the belief that we have a “system”. All I can relate is how laundry works into our schedule. Once a system is in place, prepare to be flexible. Don’t complicate a simple task. Follow these simple steps to simplify your weekly laundry.
In 2014, on the day after Christmas, we loaded up the van and drove to Destin, Florida to spend five days with 24 family members. It was a first for all of us. While that may sound overwhelming, it was a very memorable time that we were eager to duplicate. This first annual Vance Vacation was aimed at spending quality time together to build our family community. It worked. Check out how we accomplished such a large task. Don’t miss the helpful download full of “how-to” details.
Playing with mud as an adult has been insightful, even mind blowing. Who knew that taking up a new hobby of pottery would be a journey into spiritual and personal observation. Although we are just starting, here is what we have learned so far.
Do you have these 20 Social Skills?
Some people have work skills and academic knowledge, but not social skills to propel them to success. Some negative social behavior actually repels people. Some people lack self-awareness to identify what is repulsive to others. Some know, but don’t care. Some fail to weigh the cost of not caring about their interaction with others.
Sometimes I dream that I will have met my lifetime limit of cleaning responsibility. This, however, never turns out to be more than just a dream. In an effort to survive, I eagerly keep up seasonal cleaning. The routine of seasonal cleaning and purging creates more space where you live. It can save you money as you are more aware of what you need which keeps you from unnecessary purchases. Regularly, this activity helps me to locate lost or forgotten items. Inevitably, this habit means you keep less stuff.
This past summer I started taking yoga classes in an area of town that put me in contact with a corner which on most days had homeless women. Consistently, I noticed two young women at this corner. I gave them food and water bottles nearly every time I passed. I remembered the blessing bags that I used to make with my children. It seemed the right response to make some blessing bags for these women.
Just a few days ago, Tim and I were talking to our Uber driver who began to tell us how she was not really into religion. That was just the invitation that Tim needed to tell her that we were not really into religion either. Religiousity was not really our thing. However, we were enthusiastic Christ followers. Thank you to our readers and podcast listeners who have asked, “What is a Christ follower?” We are glad you asked. Let’s unpack this simple, but profound answer.